5th Centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila 1515 – 2015
"I Was Born For You"
I am Yours, and born for You,
What do you want of me?
Diocese of San Fernando La Union
Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
(San Fernando City,La Union Chapter) Inc.
in collaboration with
Teresa de Jesus Foundation, Inc.
Written and Directed by
Francesca C. Quitoriano
October 3 - 4, 2011
Recommended reading of St. Teresa’s writing for the 2015 Jubilee celebration:

Year 2010 - The Book of Her Life
(Focus: Our own encounter with Christ in faith and prayer through scripture, trusting in God’s mercy)
Year 2011 – The Way of Perfection
(Focus: A way of Eucharist and of prayer to encounter Christ that leads to service following the example of the Blessed Mother)
Year 2012 – The Book of the Foundations
(Focus: Have a sense of the Church, of communion and mission, harmonizing contemplation with apostolic activities)
Year 2013 - Shorter Writings: Meditations, Soliloquies, Spiritual Testimonies
(Focus: St. Teresa’s biblical life and her spiritual experience of the Blessed Trinity)
Year 2014 – The Interior Castle
(Focus: The way of Christian holiness and maturity)
Year 2015 – Letters and Jubilee Celebration
(Focus: Mysticism within the reach of everyone)
Year 2010 - The Book of Her Life
(Focus: Our own encounter with Christ in faith and prayer through scripture, trusting in God’s mercy)
"For someone who has experienced the mystical events I have, there can be no pleasure or comfort that equals that of meeting someone else whom the Lord had raised in the same way."
"I spent more than eighteen years in that miserable condition, attempting to reconcile God and my life of sin."
"The reason that I tell and repeat this often is so that all who read my writings may understand how great is that grace of God which works in the wayward soul. He gives the wandering soul the desire to pray on, even when it has not yet left off all sin."
"If the soul perseveres, in spite of sin and temptation and many relapses, our Lord will bring that soul at last to the harbor of salvation..."
"Let him never cease from prayer, who has once begun to pray, even though his life is ever so bad. For prayer is the only way to amend one's life, and without prayer it will never be mended."
"If our Lord bore so long with me in all my wickedness, why should anyone else despair, how wicked he or she may be?"
"I began with a renewed love of His most sacred humanity. My prayer began to take shape like a building that has a solid foundation."
"I did everything because it seemed to me that the Lord commanded it. God gave the spiritual director the ability to command me in such a way as to make me obedient to him. My soul was very sensitive to feel any offense that I committed against God..."
"I prayed earnestly that our Lord would hold me by the hand and not allow me to fall again, now that I was under the direction of His servants."
-Translated by D. Lewis
Year 2011 – The Way of Perfection
(Focus: A way of Eucharist and of prayer to encounter Christ that leads to service following the example of the Blessed Mother)
Chap 12~Teaches that the true lover of God must care little for life and honor
Why, then, do we shrink from interior mortification, since this is the means by which every other kind of mortification may become much more meritorious and perfect, so that it can then be practiced with greater tranquility and ease? This, as I have said, is acquired by gradual progress and by never indulging our own will and desire, even in small things, until we have succeeded in subduing the body to the spirit.
Be very careful about your interior thoughts, especially if they have to do with precedence. May God, by His Passion, keep us from expressing, or dwelling upon, such thoughts as these: "But I am her senior [in the Order]"; "But I am older"; "But I have worked harder"; "But that other sister is being better treated than I am". If these thoughts come, you must quickly check them; if you allow yourselves to dwell on them, or introduce them into your conversation...
Let each of you ask herself how much humility she has and she will see what progress she has made. If she is really humble, I do not think the devil will dare to tempt her to take even the slightest interest in matters of precedence, for he is so shrewd that he is afraid of the blow she would strike him. If a humble soul is tempted in this way by the devil, that virtue cannot fail to bring her more fortitude and greater profit. For clearly the temptation will cause her to look into her life, to compare the services she has rendered the Lord with what she owes Him and with the marvelous way in which He abased Himself to give us an example of humility, and to think over her sins and remember where she deserves to be on account of them. Exercises like this bring the soul such profit that on the following day Satan will not dare to come back again lest he should get his head broken.
God deliver us from people who wish to serve Him yet who are mindful of their own honor. Reflect how little they gain from this; for, as I have said, the very act of desiring honor robs us of it, especially in matters of precedence: there is no poison in the world which is so fatal to perfection.
-Translated by A. Peers
Year 2012 – The Book of the Foundations
(Focus: Have a sense of the Church, of communion and mission, harmonizing contemplation with apostolic activities)
As time went on, my desires to do something for the good of some soul grew greater and greater, and I often felt like one who has a large amount of treasure in her charge and would like everyone to enjoy it but whose hands are tied so that she cannot contribute it. In just this way it seemed to me that my soul was bound; for the favors which the Lord granted it during these years were very great and they all seemed to be ill-spent on me. But I served the Lord with my poor prayers and I always persuaded the Sisters to do the same and to be zealous for the good of souls and the increase of the Church.
-Foundations 1,6
After some days, I began to think how necessary it was, if convents for women were to be founded, that there should be friars following the same Rule, and seeing how few there were in this province- it even seemed to me that they were dying out---I commended the matter earnestly to Our Lord, and wrote a letter to our Father General, begging him as well as I could to grant this permission, explaining the reasons why it would be great service to God, suggesting that the inconveniences which it might cause were not sufficient to hinder so good a work and representing to him what a service it would be to Our Lady to whom he was most devoted.
-Foundations 1, 5
Life at Duruelo "that little Bethlehem of a porch"
St. John of the Cross began the Reform of the Friars in Duruelo with Fr. Anthony of Jesus and Fr. Joseph of Christ. ----
I gather that, after finishing Matins, they did not go back to their cells until Prime, but remained there in prayer, and they would pray so earnestly that sometimes, when the hour for Prime came, their habits would be covered with snow without their having noticed it...They used to go out and preach in many places in the districts which were without instruction, and for that reason, too, I was glad that the house had been founded there, for they told me that there was no monastery near, nor any means of getting one, which is pity. In short time they gained such a good reputation that, when I heard of it, it made me extremely happy...When they had preached and heard confessions and had returned to their monastery for a meal, it would be very late. But this was very little trouble to them, so happy were they... Well, when I saw that little house, which is so recently had been impossible to live in, filled with such spirituality that, wherever I looked, I seemed to find cause for edification, and when I learned of their way of life, their mortification and prayer and the good example they gave I could not give Our Lord sufficient thanks, so great was mu inward joy, for I thought I had seen a beginning made to great profit of our Order and the service of Our Lord.
--Foundations 14,7
(Focus: St. Teresa’s biblical life and her spiritual experience of the Blessed Trinity)
The exclamations of the soul to God or the meditations of St. Teresa after Communion
John Milner's 1790 translation of the the 1569 Las Exlamaciones del Alma a Dios
Meditation II
On the Pain a Soul suffers, that loves God, between her impatience of possessing him, and her Desire of benefiting other Souls.
I oftentimes think, O my God, that if any thing can render life supportable to my soul in this state of he banishment, is it solitude,because this enables her to repose in thee, who art her only resting place, yet the incapacity she experiences to enjoy thee in the perfect manner she wishes, often turns this pleasure into pain; but O! how delicious is solitude wearies a soul that relishes no pleasure but in thee, when she is called upon to serve her fellow creatures. O omnipotent love of God, how different are thy effects from those of carnal love! The latter is fearful of any other persons being inflamed with the same passion, least it should lose something it was possessed of, but the love of my God receives new pleasure and afresh increase in proportion to the number of companions it meets with in this sweet exercise; and , on the other hand, it is bitter allay to its felicity, that any should be found who are strangers to this delight.
This, O my supreme Good, is the cause, that even thy sweetest consolations and caresses overwhelm thy servants with grief in the moment of their enjoying them, while the reflect on the great number of Christians that flight these pleasures at present, and shall be deprived of them for ever hereafter. Hence thy servants earnestly seek to make others partakers of their felicity, and willingly part with the delights they themselves experience in order to bring others to an acquaintance with them. But would it not be better, O my heavenly Father, on these occasions, to postpone this anxious concern for others to a moment of less consolation and delight, and to employ the present happy time entirely in the love and enjoyment of thee!
O my Jesus, how great is the love thou bearest to the children of men, since thou art pleased, that the most acceptable service we can offer thee, should consist in quitting thy company in order to benefit them, and that this should even be the most perfect manner of enjoying thee! It is true, that the feelings of the soul are less delicious at these time, yet she comforts herself in the accomplishment of thy blessed will; and she is moreover convinced, that however exquisite and divine the consolations she enjoys in this mortal life may appear, they are all uncertain and suspicious, if they are not accompanied with thy favorite virtue, the love of our neighbour, loves not thee, O God; and how dear each one of us is to thee, the torrents of blood thou hast shed for him will best declare.
Relaciones Espirituale (Or Spiritual Testimonies)
David Lewis' 1870 translation of Libro de la Vida
Observations on Certain Points of Spirituality.
"What is it that distresses thee, little sinner? Am I not thy God? Dost thou not see how ill I am treated here? If thou lovest Me, why art thou not sorry for Me? Daughter, light is very different from darkness. I am faithful; no one will be lost without knowing it. He must be deceiving himself who relies on spiritual sweetnesses; the true safety lies in the witness of a good conscience.But let no one think that of himself he can abide in the light, any more than he can hinder the natural night from coming on; for that depends on My grace. The best means he can have for retaining the light is the conviction in his soul that he can do nothing of himself, and that it comes from Me; for, even if he were in the light, the instant I withdraw, night will come. True humility is this: the soul's knowing what itself can do, and what I can do. Do not neglect to write down the counsels I give thee, that thou mayest not forget them. Thou seekest to have the counsels of men in writing; why, then, thinkest thou that thou art wasting time in writing down those I give thee? The time will come when thou shalt require them all."
"Do not suppose, My daughter, that to be near to Me is union; for they who sin against Me are near Me, though they do not wish it. Nor is union the joys and comforts of union, though they be of the very highest kind, and though they come from Me. These very often are means of winning souls, even if they are not in a state of grace." When I heard this, I was in a high degree lifted up in spirit. Our Lord showed me what the spirit was, and what the state of the soul was then, and the meaning of those words of the Magnificat, "Exultavit spiritus meus." He showed me that the spirit was the higher part of the will.
I had read in a book that it was an imperfection to possess pictures well painted,--and I would not, therefore, retain in my cell one that I had; and also, before I had read this, I thought that it was poverty to possess none, except those made of paper,--and, as I read this afterwards, I would not have any of any other material. I learnt from our Lord, when I was not thinking at all about this, what I am going to say: "that this mortification was not right. Which is better, poverty or charity? But as love was the better, whatever kindled love in me, that I must not give up, nor take away from my nuns; for the book spoke of much adorning and curious devices--not of pictures.What Satan was doing among the Lutherans was the taking away from them all those means by which their love might be the more quickened; and thus they were going to perdition. Those who are loyal to Me, My daughter, must now, more than ever, do the very reverse of what they do." I understood that I was under great obligations to serve our Lady and St. Joseph, because, when I was utterly lost, God, through their prayers, came and saved me.
(Focus: The way of Christian holiness and maturity)
"O my Lord! Send light from heaven that I may be able to enlighten these, Your servants, since You have been pleased that some of them should enjoy these delights. Illuminate some of them that them that they may not be deceived by the Devil, who transforms himself into an angel of light; for their whole desire is to please You."
~part 1, 5th Mansion
" O my powerful God! How great are Your Secrets, and how different are spiritual things from all that is seen or known here upon earth! In no way is one able to express this favor, small though it is, in comparison with the very great one which You work in souls."
~part 2, 6th Mansion
~part 2, 6th Mansion
"O Lord, take into account the many things that we suffer as a result of a lack of knowledge! The worst of it is that we do not realize we need to know more when we think about You, and so we cannot ask those who know."
~part 2, 4th Mansion
"May it please His Majesty, my sisters and daughters, to bring us all to meet where we may praise Him and to give me grace to do some of the things of which I have told you, through the merits of His Son, who liveth and reigneth for ever, Amen.
As I say this to you I am full of shame and by the same Lord I beg you not to forget this poor miserable creature in your prayers."
~Chap 4, 7th Mansion (the very Last Paragraph)
Year 2015 – Letters and Jubilee Celebration
(Focus: Mysticism within the reach of everyone)
"I Was Born For You"
In the Hands of God
~St. Teresa of Jesus
I am Yours and born of You,
What do You want of me?
Majestic Sovereign,
Unending wisdom,
Kindness pleasing to my soul;
God sublime, one Being Good,
Behold this one so vile.
Singing of her love to you:
What do You want of me?
Yours, you made me,
Yours, you saved me,
Yours, you endured me,
Yours, you called me,
Yours, you awaited me,
Yours, I did not stray.
What do You want of me?
Good Lord, what do you want of me,
What is this wretch to do?
What work is this,
This sinful slave, to do?
Look at me, Sweet Love,
Sweet Love, look at me,
What do You want of me?
In Your hand
I place my heart,
Body, life and soul,
Deep feelings and affections mine,
Spouse -- Redeemer sweet,
Myself offered now to you,
What do You want of me?
Give me death, give me life,
Health or sickness,
Honor or shame,
War or swelling peace,
Weakness or full strength,
Yes, to these I say,
What do You want of me?
Give me wealth or want,
Delight or distress,
Happiness or gloominess,
Heaven or hell,
Sweet life, sun unveiled,
To you I give all.
What do You want of me?
Give me, if You will, prayer;
Or let me know dryness,
And abundance of devotion,
Or if not, then barrenness.
In you alone, Sovereign Majesty,
I find my peace,
What do You want of me?
Give me then wisdom.
Or for love, ignorance,
Years of abundance,
Or hunger and famine.
Darkness or sunlight,
Move me here or there:
What do You want of me?
If You want me to rest,
I desire it for love;
If to labor,
I will die working:
Sweet Love say
Where, how and when.
What do You want of me?
Calvary or Tabor give me,
Desert or fruitful land;
As Job in suffering
Or John at Your breast;
Barren or fruited vine,
Whatever be Your will:
What do You want of me?
Be I Joseph chained
Or as Egypt's governor,
David pained
Or exalted high,
Jonas drowned,
Or Jonas freed:
What do You want of me?
Silent or speaking,
Fruitbearing or barren,
My wounds shown by the Law,
Rejoicing in the tender Gospel;
Sorrowing or exulting,
You alone live in me:
What do You want of me?
Yours I am, for You I was born:
What do You want of me?
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