LISTEN ,my daughter, to what I shall say to you;
Forget your people and your fathers house (Ps 45:11)
and you shall win the heart of the king which you have
touched. That king is your God.
During her life on earth Mary listened to the
voice of God that called her into solitude; from
her earliest years she left her father's house and
consecrated herself to God in the temple.
Nothing could hold her back: not youthfulness
nor bodily weakness nor love of parents.
Everything that delays the sacrifice of a
heart which seeks and loves God alone, afflicts
that heart, for it also delays its happiness.
Once she became an inhabitant of the temple,
Mary fulfilled in the most perfect way possible
the duties that were entrusted to her in
accordance with her age and strength.
She devoted to prayer and meditation the
lime left to her; that is how she prepared
herself for the very special graces God was to give
Carmelite Brother |
O daughter of heaven's king, how noble and
splendid are the first steps you take! (Song 7:2).
Others will follow your example.
Carmelite nuns of Christchurch, NZ |
"In your
train countless virgins will joyfully consecrate
themselves in the temple of the king of kings."
The offering they will make to the God of their
youth, their heart, their freedom, their entire
self, will be an act of perfect homage to His
majesty; and the homage will be a source of
blessings which He shall heap upon them
throughout their lives.
What self-deception to think that the young
are not capable of virtue!
Mary and the Saints have shown us how
profitable it is for a man to have carried the yoke
of the Lord from his very youth (Lam 3:27).
Young woman joins the Poor Clare 1960 |
Do we treat God as God when we give Him
only the shabby remnants of a life that was
given us that we might spend it wholly in His
service? What kind of a sacrifice are we offering
to God when we wait to commit ourselves
to His service until, by worldly standards, we
have neither strength nor means left?
Do not wait until old age to give yourself to
God. By that time we are exhausted from the
world's yoke and have no strength left to carry
God's yoke.
You say you will give yourself to God when
you are older. But when will that day corne?
And when it comes, will you succeed in turning
to God as easily as you think?
St. Therese entered Carmel of Lisieux at the age of 15 |
Experience teaches us that mature years
bring knowledge but not necessarily wisdom.
Lord! Lord! Open the door for us! (Mt 25:11),
eried the foolish virgins but they carne too late
and knocked on the door in vain.
Experience teaches us that maturer years
make us ready to enter the presence of the
supreme judge, Who asks an account of one's
whole life!
The man who does not consecrate to God
the early years of his life may well fear that to
punish him God may allow his life to be long
drawn out.
My God, how many know You but do not
love You!
I should be inconsolable at the
thought. But, if I am easily consoled, can I at
least say that I have at last begun to love You?
If I were only a child once again! I would
want mind and heart, thoughts and affections,
everything in me, to be given to You.
Thank You for Your great mercy in preserving
my life while I spent it in offending You.
I beg for Your grace! May it help me to
serve You until my dying breath, and to serve
You all the more faithfully as I have begun so
late to be Your servant.
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