Monday, August 1, 2011

A Little Child Shall Lead Us ~Victoria Parco

Thérèse, now is the time of your conquests. Conquer and win the hearts of the young people!

A little Child Shall Lead Us ~Victoria Parco

Your message is the message of someone who committed her life to God at the age of fifteen and whose life was consumed with love at the age of twenty-four. You can speak to young people who seek a profound spiritual experience. You know how to communicate to them the sense of a life of love transformed into a gift of self. In their search for true freedom, you can show them that its authentic meaning lies in forgetfulness of self for the sake of self-donation.The young are looking for meaningful when it is dedicated to loving, when it is offered to Jesus Christ, God's love made visible. Surrounded by violence, materialism, and hedonism, young people are looking for what truly matters, for what lasts forever, for the peace that this world cannot give. In the depths of their anguished and confused lives, they are asking the deepest questions: "What shall I do to obtain eternal life? Where can I find my heart's desire? Where can I find a cause to live and die for? How can I be holy and loving?"

Thérèse, you went through your pilgrimage of search, struggle, and sorrow. Reach out to young people. Teach them your little way to Jesus. Convince them that it is possible to hope, that the mercy of God is infinitely greater than their mistakes, failures, and sins. In possessing Him, they possess everything else worth possessing. In finding Jesus, they will find the joy of an eternal springtime, a fountain of youth forever flowing.

From the book
A Saint for a New Millenium
Victoria Parco

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