Monday, August 22, 2011

My Mother, My Queen


The Fifth Glorious Mystery

You are all fair, and without blemish. You are a garden enclosed, my sister, my Bride, and enclosed garden, a sealed fountain. Veni Coronaberis: “Come: you shall be crowned” (Song of Songs 4:7, 12 and 8)

If you and I had been able, we too would have made her Queen and Lady of all creation.

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman with a crown of twelve stars upon her head, adorned with the sun and the moon at her feet (Rev 12:1) Mary, Virgin without stain, has made up for the fall of Eve: and she has crushed the head of hell’s serpent with her immaculate heel. Daughter of God, Mother of God, Spouse of God.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit crown her as the rightful impress of the Universe. And the Angels pay her homage as her subjects…and the patriarchs and prophets and apostles…and the martyrs and confessors and virgins and all the saints…and all sinners and you and I.
~St. Josemaria Escriva


Hail, Queen of Heaven, beyond compare,
To whom the angels homage pay.
Hail, Root of Jesse, Gate of light
That opened for the world’s new Day.
Rejoice, O Virgin unsurpassed,
In whom our ransom was begun,
For all your loving children pray
To Christ our Savior,  and your Son.

"When you follow Mary you will not go astray; when you pray to her, you will not despair; when your mind is on her, you will not wander; when she holds you up, you will not fall; when she protects you, you will have no fear; when she guides you, you will feel no fatigue; when she is on your side, you will arrive safely home…She keeps her Son from striking us; she prevents the devil from harming us; she preserves virtue in us; she prevents our merits from being lost and our graces from receding." (Saint Bernard).

You are indeed, the most Beautiful Queen! Teach me your ways O Holy Queen, I am all yours. Draw us ever closer to your beloved son. Help us to become what you want us to be. “To you I come, before I stand, sinful and sorrowful.” Look down in kindness O most Glorious queen, while before your throne we stand.

Regina Angelorum Queen of Angels

Regina Patriarcharum Queen of Patriarchs

Protection of the Theotokos at Blanchernae

Regina Prophetarum Queen of Prophets

Regina Apostolorum Queen of Apostles

Regina Martyrum Queen of Martyrs
(Martyrs of Compeigne)

Regina Confessorum Queen of Confessors
(Seven Founders of the Servite Order, Confessors)

Regina Virginum Queen of Virgins
(St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi)

Regina Sanctorum omnium Queen of all Saints

Regina sine labe originali concept Queen conceived without original sin

Regina in caelum assumpta Queen assumed into heaven

Regina Sacratissimi Rosarii Queen of the most Holy Rosary

Regina Familiae Queen of the Family

Regina Pacis Queen of peace


Hail, Holy Queen, mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve! To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears! Turn then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy towards us; and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus!

O Clement, O Loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

Remember, O Creator Lord !
That in the Virgin's sacred womb
Thou wast conceived, and of her flesh
Didst our mortality assume.
Mother of grace, O Mary blest!
To thee, sweet fount of love, we fly;
Shield us through life, and take us hence To
thy dear bosom when we die.
O Jesu! born of Virgin bright,
Immortal glory be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.

Mama, Our Most Blessed Mother, We love you! Thank you Mama. Nothing compares to your infinite love and kindness. Lord Jesus we thank you  for your Mother whom you have bestowed on us. “Behold your Mother” John 19:27

“O my mother, how unconscious I am of your beautiful solicitude and motherly care for me. I acknowledge it with my mind; I profess is as my faith, but how little I realize it. When sufferings come and anxieties arise, I imagine that I must face them alone and so I get upset. How easy they would be to bear if I only saw you there beside me, knowing that you understand, knowing that you care and suffer it with me. The same with my joys. How much more wonderful they would be if I told you about them and saw the interest in your face, the love in your eyes! It isn’t just imagination; it’s real.

O Mary, help me to know and realize your all-embracing love and sympathy. And let me have all the trust and filial affection for you that you deserve. I renew once more my act of total devotion to you. Take whatever is good in me to use as you will for God’s glory.”

Ave Maria!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful collection of really great pictures (just beautiful)!
