Monday, June 6, 2011

I am the little brush that Jesus has chosen to paint

St.Therese's prayer when she was tasked to be the Novice Mistress. Somewhat her prayer is more likely/ or maybe her prayer to God when we go to her praying for her intercession. 

...If an artist’s canvas could but think and speak, surely it would never complain of being touched and re-touched by the brush, nor would it feel envious thereof, knowing that all its beauty is due to the artist alone. So, too, the brush itself could not boast of the masterpiece it had helped to produce, for it must know that an artist is never at a loss; that difficulties do but stimulate him; and that at times it pleases him to make use of instruments the most unlikely and defective. 


Dear Mother, I am the little brush that Jesus has chosen to paint His likeness in the souls you have confided to my care.

...From the moment I entered the sanctuary of souls, I saw at a glance that the task was beyond my strength. Throwing myself without delay into Our Lord’s Arms, I imitated those tiny children, who, when they are frightened, hide their faces on their father’s shoulder, and I said:

"Dear Lord, Thou seest that I am too small to feed these little ones, but if through me Thou wilt give to each what is suitable, then fill my hands, and without leaving the shelter of Thine Arms, or even turning away, I will distribute Thy treasures to the soul who come to me asking for food. Should they find it to their taste, I shall know that this is due not to me, but to Thee."

From Chapter 10: The New Commandment

-The Story of the Springtime of a Little White Flower ~St. Therese

Merci Beaucoup Therese!~
I WILL LET fall from heaven ... a shower of roses.

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